RDJ Consulting (Namibia)

Jan 22, 20201 min

Are we human?

Photo by Lenin Estrada on Pexels.com

So here we are AGAIN! mass quantities produced by machines was the start of the #Industrial #Revolution.

However, the push to have #AI do even basic tasks (such as vacuuming a room) is in my book is a step too far.

Those that see these “anti-human” uses of AI as progress need to take a step back and ask themselves serious questions.

Colleagues and readers, the use of AI with even its purest of intentions means rendering the use of a #human being in that context meaningless. I refer here to tasks such as driverless vehicles, teacherless class rooms and most recently doctorless diagnosis of cancer but to name a few.

Photo by Dazzle Jam on Pexels.com

Where will we stop? and this question is asked in the context of unemployment, poverty and homelessness.

Those with #jobs#money and living in #developed #countries won’t fully relate.

The conversation continues office@rdjconsulting.co.za

#energytransition #developing #sustainableimpact#policymakers
