Climate Change #climatechange reports all point to increased temperatures and melting "land" ice that ultimately increases sea levels, resulting in the flooding of low lying land masses. #Namibia is no exception to this problem but has a perennial problem that could in parts be a solution to rising #sea-levels.

Namibia like other "water constrained" countries, needs to find #sustainable water sources that can provide for sustenance and improvement to the quality of life for its inhabitants. Even though flooding is a problem in northern regions of the country when not going through #droughts, salinity of aquifers and shorter rainfall periods is the order of the day. This follows the fact that Namibia is water constrained but has some of the highest solar irradiation levels in the world and is home to two of the world's deserts.
#Desalination which has been commercially proven and the great potential existing for solar and wind energy to provide the required energy, it seems an obvious solution. The question therefore is that as Climate Change is an urgent problem, even as pressing as #Covid, why is there no urgent action to mainstream #fund and implement Desalination that can bring vast benefits to Namibia and Botswana in this case.
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About RDJ Consulting (Namibia)Renewable Energy and Sustainability are our life blood…. literally!
RDJ Consulting Services CC, Windhoek, NAMIBIA. Established in 2010 to help clients meet their energy and sustainability objectives..