While Nero fiddles, Rome burns.
I wonder if Nero was around no w or able to communicate with us, if he would warn us about the folly that we currently find ourselves in after centuries of denialism? Michael Specter in his book "Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet" points this out. Can it be fair then to assume that denialism is a form of procrastination and apathy that makes humans superior sleep walkers?

I take notice when oil companies such as Shell start discussing clean energy, renewable energy and alternative fuels. The reason for this is that as they say, "follow the money". BMW and even the International Energy Agency (IEA) sponsored by the Japanese Government are all now seriously considering Hydrogen as a fuel of the future. On top of this, all the alternate fuels and energy sources we are considering now were previously used in some shape or form in the past.
If we step back to why "fracking" is now viable, then technology and financial viability can take credit for its existence. Can not the same happen for modern well understood alternative fuels and clean energy?
The conversation continues at www.rdjconsulting.co.za
About RDJ Consulting (Namibia)
Renewable Energy and Sustainability are our life blood…. literally!
RDJ Consulting Services CC, Windhoek, NAMIBIA. Established in 2010 to help clients meet their energy and sustainability objectives..