Well, it looks like almost everybody likes my “Red dunes” image of Namibia because the image was just selected as the winner in Country Life magazine’s Image Club for December 2013. I really did not expect the image to so well in competitions and salons. But just to show you – one never knows!
Red Dunes
NamibRand Nature reserve, Namibia – taken during a C4Images & Safari photography safari with Hougaard Malan & Shem Chompion. Thanks guys!
Message to take home:
Thinking back of the trip with Hougaard and Shem in Namibia – I was still very inexperienced in the field of photography – especially landscape. At times during the trip I was so frustrated because I could not see any compositions what-so-ever. Luckily Hougaard and Shem were very patient with me but I did not have the courage to ask for advice (in fact – I did…
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