As life unfolds, there are events such as Tornado’s, Floods, Disease and War that decimate existing lifestyles and livelihoods. Like with any event, #Covid-19 has followed that trend if no other. #Jobs are being lost at an alarming rate and #economies around the world have become fragile to say the least.
However, all of the above events have a not so sweet positive side to it. Retailers of grocery items in #Namibia prior to Covid-19 were saying that the state of the economy was showing itself in poor sales. However, since the clear understanding by the populace that nowhere or no one was #immune from Covid-19, grocery sales have shot up due to individuals stocking up. This was further compounded once the lockdown #regulations were announced.
#Innovation has also come through with 3-D printing enthusiasts and small businesses joining hands to develop pieces of equipment such as face shields and components. This proves that in the face of adversity, #humans have the penchant to bounce back.
There is one point of caution however, in regards to home made remedies and #sanitizers, could they be creating their own catastrophe and adding to our struggles?
the conversation continues
Photo by cottonbro on